Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Monday, March 24, 2025

Best By Dates: How long do things last?

This topic is one that I have touched on before, and I would like to bring your attention to another product that has a much longer shelf life than printed on the label. As we all know, the "best by" date is just a guideline to freshness and taste quality on the majority of products. It has nothing to do with safety. There are a few exceptions and one is baby formula.

What we are focusing on here are canned goods, dry goods (pasta, rice, etc.) and packaged goods like mustard, ketchup, hot sauces and, of course, mayonnaise.

For my example, I would like to present a jar of mayo that I purchased in November 2022.

As you can see, I write the purchase date on the label with a black marker. In this case, I noted the price, too. Now for the best by date. In case you can't read it, the date is 5/19/23.

And finally, this is the date I opened it.

And how is it? Just fine! I had recently finished up a jar with the same dates, and it was good to the bottom of the jar. The jar lasted approximately 7 weeks in the fridge.

And there you have it folks. By the time this jar is used up, it will likely be into May, proving that mayo can last (stored properly) for at least 2 years past the best by date. I've linked to a previous post on the subject.

How To Save Money On Your Food

Saturday, March 22, 2025

JFK Files, Covid Scam and More

Hello Friends,

There is a lot going on around the country this week, and rather than try to summarize everything and create a TLDR post, I'll leave you with a few links and a blurb on each to get you started.

We'll start off with today's article from Coffee and Covid. This is information packed so buckle up.

☕️ REGIME CHANGES ☙ Friday, March 21, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠

"JFK files explode, Trump drops 3 blockbusters: DOE shutdown, swamp procurement chokehold, and mining revival—media stunned, Reagan’s ghost grinning, history rewriting itself; more."
– Jeff Childers

Next we have a special study about the pandemic, censorship and the complete lack of concern for human life.

A Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Infodemic and Censorship in Healthcare 

Secrecy and Society Volume 3 Number 2 Special Issue: Pandemic Secrecy

"The amount of information and scientific data that was censored and kept secret throughout the pandemic is incalculable. However, the evidence presented in this narrative review suggests that lack of access to critical information resulted in the unnecessary and dramatic loss of countless human lives, and possible deaths to follow. Censoring information about the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the science behind government recommended responses to the pandemic, the safety and efficacy of COVID19 vaccines, and available treatments for COVID-19 contributed to a loss of trust in healthcare providers and healthcare institutions." Excerpt from page 54.

And now President Trump has signed and Executive Order to dismantle the Department of Education. 

Returning education back to the states.

"We're going to be returning education very simply BACK TO THE STATES where it belongs, and we want to have our children well educated and we want them to love going to school."

– President Donald J. Trump 🇺🇸

Hope you enjoy the articles. There are a lot of changes taking place, I believe, for the good of the country and the American people. There are also a lot of haters out there, and I pray for them and hope that one day they will wake up and say "wow, they were right all along. Until next time, take care and stay sane.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Tolerance: When The Line Is Drawn Part 2

In this post, we will look at the LGBTQ and gender ideology.

First the children. Should we be tolerant of people whose perverted lifestyles are harmful to children? Take for example this questionnaire from a hospital in New Jersey.

These are new-born babies they are talking about. You know the gender of babies by looking at them. They are either boys or girls. To think you can choose a gender identity for them is ridiculous, and equally ridiculous is asking your kindergartener to choose. This is another line that has to be drawn. Just let the kids be kids.

Are you with me in asking "how did we get here"? I think it takes decades of indoctrination to reach this level of insanity. Some call this the woke mind virus, or mental illness.

The President has stated that there will only be two genders officially recognized in the U.S., male and female. The fact that it needed to be officially stated by the President should tell you something.

Let me know in the comments what you think.

Take care and stay sane.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Tolerance: When The Line Is Drawn

The inspiration for this post was Sunday's sermon. Our pastor preached on tolerance, and suggested that something had changed that would affect the church's ability to carry out its missions.

So, what does it really mean to be tolerant by definition? Webster's defines tolerance as: a liberal spirit toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own. I would rephrase that as a "generous" spirit.

We are told to be tolerant of things like religion, politics, appearance and the LGBTQ, (or basically anything) when they differ from our beliefs or practices. We should peacefully get along with everyone as long as they are doing the same.

The question is when and where do we draw the line? Should we always be tolerant, accepting and forgiving when doing so is detrimental to our lives, liberties, health, safety, national security or child welfare?

Here is an example of when those we are told to tolerate cross the line.

Our Southern border. Should we tolerate the millions that have entered our country illegally? Many are violent criminals, gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers. Other countries opened their prisons and their inmates flooded into our country. U.S. citizens have been murdered. Tell me why we should tolerate this? Thank God, the border has been secured and illegals are being deported.

I spoke with a gentleman after the service whose parents legally immigrated to the U.S. and worked hard to make a living. They successfully raised their children, who produced children and grandchildren. They all turned out well. He shared that while he believes in tolerance, there are some things should not/cannot be tolerated.

Here is my question to you--where do you draw the line?

Have a great day! Take care and stay sane.